
Do you need to upgrade the skills of your staff? 中央社区学院提供了一系列与工业维护相关的课程. These courses can be offered at the college or on site.  我们可以定制我们的培训计划,以满足您组织的独特需求和文化.

我们的课程提供便利, 灵活性和相关性,因为它们基于实际应用并由行业专家教授. 此外,我们灵活的培训确保您在需要的时候得到您所需要的.

You’ll find the classes we offer listed below, and you can expand the tabs to see course descriptions. You can find upcoming courses with our 社区 & 行业类别搜索. 请记住,我们也可以定制课程,以满足您的具体需求.

Advanced Programmable Logic Controls

这个为期三天的课程旨在提供写作所需的技能, 使用高级编程指令和RSLogix 500软件输入和测试SLC 500程序. 在实际的SLC 500系统控制站中使用培训师和模拟器进行实践.


  • plc基础回顾
  • 比较说明
  • 移动和逻辑指令
  • 屏蔽
  • 程序控制指令
  • 移位寄存器
  • Stacking instructions (FIFO and LIFO)
  • 数据处理说明
  • Indexed and indirect addressing
  • 测序仪
  • 在线编辑
  • 迫使
  • I / O中断
  • Write, enter and test advanced program instructions
Basic Programmable Logic Controls

This three-day session is intended to provide generic background theory, applications information and programming practices. 谁应该参加:任何使用或维护基于plc的系统的人,如工程师, 维修技术人员, 销售或应用人员.


  • General PLC information and history
  • I/O硬件概述
  • 软件的介绍
  • Introduction to the basic programming instructions
  • Setting up the communication link
  • Downloading and going online with a controller
  • PLC numbering systems and conversions
  • PLC数据文件和寻址
  • 典型接线连接
  • Converting relay logic diagrams to PLC commands
  • Timers, Counters and typical applications
  • Designing ladder logic programs
  • PLC系统故障排除
  • Typical Industrial control projects

动手实践提供使用定制艾伦布拉德利MicroLogix 1500培训师与RSLogix 5000和RSLinx软件.

基本RSLogix 5000

这个为期三天的会议旨在提供了解RSLogix 5000软件和Logix系列可编程自动化控制器所需的基本技能. 参与者将使用AB的CompactLogix控制器与Festo I/O simbox和EasyVeep模拟软件来加强学习目标.

Prerequisite: General knowledge of window-based operating systems. Basic understanding of machine controls.

  • Understanding of Control Systems
  • Overview of the Logix family of hardware
  • Identifying RSLogix 5000 software components
  • 识别工业网络
  • Creating and organizing a project
  • Programming basic ladder logic offline
  • 配置RSLinx
  • Uploading and downloading to the controller
  • 创建和编辑标记
  • 别名标签
  • Monitoring and editing projects online
  • Entering and editing instructions
  • 项目




该课程是演示和动手培训与定制控制台的组合, taught from a troubleshooting perspective. 大约50%是专门动手练习,以实现实际应用技能的最佳保留.

  • Electrical terminology and units of measurement.
  • Ohms law presentation and examples.
  • 电气安全工作守则.
  • Series circuit rules and troubleshooting techniques.
  • 串联电路实验室.
  • Parallel circuit rules and troubleshooting techniques.
  • 并联电路实验室.
  • 使用数字万用表测量电阻、电压和电流.
  • 触电危险和接地.
  • Basic wire sizing and color coding.
  • Characteristics and testing of switches, fuses, transformers, etc.
  • 使用和设计电路布线和故障排除的原理图.

Digital multimeters are provided for participant use during the training. If you prefer, bring the meter used in your daily work. Participants are encouraged to bring a calculator.


This two-day training seminar is a guide to learning Technical Diagrams. 包括电气,液压,气动图纸,图表和原理图. 本课程结合了讲座和演示,从故障排除的角度进行教学.

  • 电气图形图
  • Single and ladder style line drawings
  • 简单的交流和直流电路
  • Simple series and parallel circuits
  • Schematic line and connection descriptions
  • Understanding electrical symbols
  • 原理图标题块
  • Pneumatic and hydraulic diagrams
  • Piping schematics, to include local areas and phantom lines
  • Identifying fluid power connections
  • Orthographic # Isometric Projections
  • Valve Identification and schematic symbols

这个为期三天的培训研讨会是学习机械系统和动力传动的常识指南. 本课程结合了从故障排除角度教授的演示和实践培训.

  • Fundamental laws and principles of mechanics and mechanical reasoning.
  • Simple machines (gears, pulleys and levers)
  • Subjects to include but not limited to force, torque, work and power
  • Identify different types of gears, belts and pulleys
  • Identify bearing types and usage, to include failure analysis
  • Fastener identification and bolt grades
  • 手动工具识别和正确使用,包括钻孔和攻丝
  • 工业测量技术,包括正确使用钢尺,卡尺和千分尺
  • 润滑技术
  • 链条和链条传动
  • 离合器、制动器和联轴器
  • 密封剂和粘合剂

这个为期三天的培训研讨会的重点是电机控制和继电器逻辑. 研讨会结合了演示和从故障排除角度教授的实践培训. 50%的课程时间用于定制培训控制台的实践体验,以达到最佳的保留和实际应用技能的发展.

  • Review of electrical fundamentals
  • Single- and three-phase AC power systems
  • Electrical safety considerations
  • Characteristics of three-phase motors
  • 电机起动器:原理和操作,尺寸,过载选择/设定,全电压和换向
  • Two- and three-wire control: Start, stop, jog, overload indications, etc.
  • Theory and use of relays, timers and other control devices
  • Industrial symbology and line logic design
  • Use of line and schematic drawings in troubleshooting
  • Plenty of hands-on wiring and troubleshooting of control circuits



This four-day course uses a combination of training methods. Topics are covered in a lecture format along with student workbooks. 然后,学生将使用计算机布局和仿真程序设计电路. 一旦电路检查完毕, it is constructed and operated on the trainer board using actual valves, cylinders and compressed air source.

  • Cylinders: single and double acting
  • Control valves: position and way combinations
  • 气缸方向控制
  • 气缸转速控制
  • 气缸力控制
  • 压缩空气供应
  • Fluid power symbols and schematics


This two-day course gives 维修技术人员, specifiers and supervisors insights to VFD theory and operation, 安装注意事项, 解决现有系统的问题,熟悉典型的设置参数.

变频驱动器(vfd)越来越多地用于电机速度控制应用. 它们正变得越来越具有成本效益,并继续提供更大的能力和可靠性. 学生将通过编程参数和接线连接使驱动器执行各种功能. A workbook and reference material will be provided.

  • Three-phase induction motor information
  • VFD capabilities and theory of operation
  • VFD keyboard operator interface
  • VFD设置和参数输入
  • VFD启动和停止方法
  • 变频器调速方法
  • VFD 安装注意事项
  • Using VFDs for energy efficiency
  • VFD fault diagnosis and troubleshooting

大约一半的课程致力于在定制的AB PowerFlex 525培训站进行实践体验,以最大限度地保留和发展实际应用技能.