Student Resources

Welcome to CCC! Now that you are registered, check out these next steps to stay ahead.

New Student Checklist Current Student Checklist

Complete before the semester starts

Log in to WebCentral

WebCentral is your go-to hub for information.

Student Planner and WebCentral video tutorial


  • 您的用户名是您的名字(在学院系统中输入),然后是您的学生证号的最后五(5)位数字(小写,没有空格)。. For example, if your name is John Doe and your student ID number is 0123456, your username would be: john23456.


  • 您的初始密码是CCC#,后面跟着您的社会安全号码的最后6位数字. The CCC must be capitalized.
    EXAMPLE: Social security number: 000-11-1111 PASSWORD: CCC#111111
  • Note: If you do not have a social security number, 您的初始密码是cccc#,后面是您的学生证号码的整个7位数字(学生证号码是7位数字), so be sure to include any leading zeros). The CCC must be capitalized.
    EXAMPLE: student ID number: 0000123 PASSWORD: CCC#0000123
  • CCC recommends students change their password. 不建议在密码中保留社会安全号码的任何部分.
  • Forgot your CCC password but know your username? Use the password reset tool

Update your contact information anytime by going to WebCentral. Go to Services for Students and then to User Account.

If you need additional assistance, contact the CCC Helpdesk.

CCC Helpdesk

Check your CCC email

Check your CCC email regularly for important information about your classes, financial aid, college announcements, and much more. 

Access your student email through WebCentral under "My Office 365."

Prepare for classes

View the 2023-2024 college calendar to stay on top of important dates.

Check out the services that can help you succeed.

If you have questions or need assistance with your scheduled classes, set up an appointment with your advisor. 您的指导老师的联系信息可以在学生计划中查看完整的个人资料. If you do not have an advisor assigned, contact Phone Central at 308-398-7412.

Online Student Information

Complete the FAFSA

Complete the FAFSA (免费申请联邦学生援助)在10月1日之后的任何时间为即将到来的学年. To qualify for maximum funding complete the FAFSA by April 1.

  • (CCC’s FAFSA code is 014468)
  • Write down your FAFSA ID, password, and save key

Scholarships are also available. 

Request accommodations, if needed

Did you receive testing or other accommodations previously in school? Did you have an IEP or 504 plan while attending high school? Do you have a diagnosed disability, such as a medical or mental health condition or learning disability? Are you currently pregnant? If any of these questions apply to you, you may be eligible for accommodations while you’re attending CCC.

Disability Services

Pay your tuition and fees
Buy your textbooks

Access the Campus Bookstore 找出你的课程需要什么书籍和资料,并购买它们和其他商品.

Learn about internet and technology options

Access college WiFi and printing when you are on campus.

请致电308-398-7999与服务中心联系,或访问 CCC Helpdesk.

Course Technologies and Accessibility Information and Privacy Policies

Attend Canvas and CCC 101 Training

Canvas Training

Attend one of the Canvas Training Webinars 或者通过Webcentral的“我的课程”链接中的课程列表或“我的资源”中的直接Canvas链接学习CCC101课程. 


Multi-Factor Authentication

Your security is our top priority. CCC正在向学生扩展一项多因素认证服务,以帮助防止身份盗窃和CCC网络上的恶意网络活动.

多因素身份验证(MFA)意味着您的帐户和重要信息被锁定在您知道的东西后面, such as a password, and something you have, such as your phone. With MFA, you enter a password when signing into CCC’s websites, which then prompts a response to your mobile or other devices.


  • Something you know – your ID and password
  • Something you have – your phone (mobile, office or home)

您需要完成额外的安全功能才能在任何设备上访问中央社区学院的服务. 这是一个额外的安全挑战,以证明您的身份并保证您的数据安全. This can be in the form of a phone call, text message, push notification, smartphone app or safe ID token key.

Registration Tips

  • 通过Microsoft Authenticator应用程序注册您的Android或iPhone,以获得最灵活的通知选项, including push notifications, text messages, phone calls or to generate one-time passcodes.
  • 登记你通常在工作、旅行或在家时使用的电话号码. This will be your primary phone that will receive authentication notifications.
  • You will need your phone and computer to register.
  • It is a good idea to register another phone in case your primary phone is unavailable.


Please find additional information below to go along with the items stated above.


To register for your MFA, click here.

During the registration process, you will be directed to a Microsoft Sign in page. Enter your full CCC email address (i.e. as shown below:


  • Phone call
    • The most direct is the Push MFA Authentication setup, which does require a smartphone. This method involves installing the Microsoft Authenticator app on your smartphone. 完成设置后,MFA通过通知或直接通过应用程序提示. This is the ONLY approved Authenticator app you will use. It is available from both the Google Play store and Apple App Store. 这允许你通过简单的点击和你设备的面部ID或生物识别来批准登录.

Google Play Store

Google Play Store - MFA App

Apple App Store

If you choose the authenticator method, you will have to provide an additional phone number in case you lose access to the app. Until you do, you will not be able to hit the save button.

    • Password + SMS 是最不安全的MFA方法,只有在您不选择在移动设备上安装应用程序时才应使用. 此方法需要在使用用户名和密码登录后输入通过短信发送的代码. 在注册此方法之前,请确保您的手机信息是最新的
  • Security Token Fob
    • 安全令牌fob是预先编程的物理设备,在验证过程中使用随机更改的ID. The ID changes every 60 seconds. Use this method if you do not have a Smartphone or a cell phone. 学院可以通过致电服务中心并创建ServiceNow票证为您提供该设备.

If you need additional assistance, please take a look at the following resources:

YouTube Microsoft (video) Microsoft Docs

Personal Device, Tablet or Smartphone

Newly adding your account to Personal Devices:

  • 打开MFA后,学生将电子邮件添加到他们的个人移动设备中,必须选择Office365作为帐户类型,然后登录并注册/提供MFA提示.

Already Receiving Your College Email on Your Personal Devices (Android and iOS)?

  • 在移动设备(Android)上使用Outlook应用程序的学生必须在Outlook应用程序通过弹出窗口提出要求时再次登录并完成MFA提示.

  • 使用Android设备上预装的本机电子邮件应用程序的学生将收到更新安全设置的提示,并应单击激活,这将通过MFA注册/注册或提示提供MFA验证来登录.

  • 在他们的移动(苹果)设备上使用Outlook应用程序的学生必须在Outlook应用程序通过弹出窗口要求时再次登录并完成MFA提示.

  • 使用Apple设备上预装的Native Email应用程序的学生将收到更新安全设置的提示,并应单击“sign - in”,这将通过MFA注册/注册或提示提供MFA验证来登录.

Please call the IT service desk if you need additional assistance at 308-398-7999.

First Week

Be informed

Review the Student Handbook and Student Policies and Procedures to understand your rights and responsibilities as a student. 

Get connected
Download the CCC mobile app

CCC移动应用程序可通过App Store或Play Store下载到您的iOS或Android设备.

  • iOS devices, click here.
  • Android devices, click here.

Second Week and Beyond

Get involved

Connect with Student Organizations to learn about ways to get involved on-campus in addition to taking classes.

Find support
Apply for scholarships and FAFSA annually

Stay informed of available scholarship deadlines.